Saturday, March 20, 2010

Book Blogs

I am having so much fun perusing all the blogs looking for other book blogs (which I can't type propertly - I keep typing BOOB blogs which is probably a whole other realm of blogging).

I find that it is very difficult finding blogs of other readers who enjoy the same types of books that I do. However, it is very fun reading what others enjoy!

Today I visited one of my favorite blogs - All about (N) and lo and behold she had a comment posted by another blogger. I clicked on her link which took me to Alaine - Queen of Happy Endings.

She has a giveaway for March. And three out of the four books are on my MUST read list. Being the book nerd that I am I have an entire notebook filled with books that I have read, books that I want to read, books that are similar to other books that I have read that I want to read and books that are on my list that I already OWN but haven't read yet. It's exhausting. If I read more and listed less I'd have read half of these already! Anyhoo - check out Alaine's blog and enter yourself into the contest. Although technically I'd rather win one of these books myself! Sarah Addison Allen's new book "The Girl Who Chased The Moon" is on the list. LOVE me some SAA. Garden Spells and The Sugar Queen were so quirky and adorable. Jodi Picoult's new book "House Rules" is on the list. I have read just about all of Picoult's novels. The Pact is probably my absolute favorite. The third option is "The Reliable Wife" by Robert Goolrich. It has received mixed reviews but I still want to read it. And the fourth book is "Twilight The Graphic Novel". For those interested in graphic novels I'm sure this would be a winner!

As for me, I should probably get back to reading my current book so I can move on to one of the others on my list. I'll have to post a pic of my list AND a pic of all my bookshelves around the house. I have finally gotten the nerve to start purging the books that I've already read. I use the great service What an awesome, ingenious concept! You post books you no longer want, people contact you to request those books, you send the book out to them and once they receive it, they give you a 'credit' to your account. Then, with your credit, you can request a book from someone else and they send it to you, etc etc. Each mailing OUT costs about $2.38 but you only pay for the books you send OUT not the ones sent to you. Beats buying books at the bookstore...of course it's not FREE like the library but sometimes the library doesn't work for me. I have two books sitting on my nightstand that I have to give back to the library because I just didn't get around to reading them. BUT the books from are all on my bookshelf. And they are not going anywhere. Although they do keep eyeing me. Like right now, while I'm typing away on the computer. I can almost hear them saying "shouldn't she be reading us instead of surfing the internet?".. yeah yeah, I know. OK, I'm off to read. Happy Saturday, everyone

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